Webinar “Switching to Remote Work: Threats and Perspectives”
Langue(s) de l'événement
anglais et ukrainien
L'événement est terminé.
Pour vous accompagner pendant cette période de crise sanitaire, la CCIFU vous propose un webinaire/formation pour vous aider à diriger vos équipes à distance.
Pour vous accompagner pendant cette période de crise sanitaire, la CCIFU vous propose un webinaire/formation pour vous aider à diriger vos équipes à distance.
La participation à ce webinaire est gratuite mais vous devez vous y inscrire pour y accéder.
Détail de la formation :
- Titre de la formation : « Passer au travail à distance : menaces et perspectives »
- Animation : Marianna Hrynyshyn, directrice générale de AboutHR-Executive&TalentSearch
- Durée : 1h30 + discussion / échange
- 2 sessions :
- En anglais : lundi 30 mars à 14h
- En ukrainien : mardi 31 mars à 14h
- Prix : gratuit
- Inscription obligatoire avant vendredi 27 mars à 18h
- Détails de la formation :
Switching to Remote Work: Threats and Perspectives
1. Company's fears and difficulties associated with the transition to remote work
a. Organization of work and communication in a virtual office environment (stereotype - serious companies do not work remotely)
I. Crisis communications during the transition to remote work in quarantine
II. The second induction for setting remote work up and working in quarantine
III. The role of digitization in remote work
IV. Tools for on-line operational and ongoing communication at work
b. Management of remote teams (loss of control)
I. Delegation and reporting in frames of virtual office
II. Online meetings
III. Working in teams
c. Remote work vs performance results (decline in performance outcomes)
I. Selection for remote work
II. Induction in a virtual office environment
III. Quarantine - checking the effectiveness and motivation of employees
IV. A virtual office works when the system is working - the KPI for employees
V. Performance appraisal in remote office
VI. The role of “live” communication in a remote office
2. Employee fears and difficulties associated with the transition to remote work
I. Boring! - Time management for employees in conditions of remote work and quarantine
II. Self-motivation in Quarantine - How to work when your manager is not looking over your shoulders
III. The difference between remote and part-time
IV. Loss of socialization in a remote office
3. Trends and projections for remote work after quarantine
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Webinar “Switching to Remote Work: Threats and Perspectives”
L'événement est terminé.